Heathfield International School has 4 houses named after famous British writers. Each pupil is placed within a house when they join the school and remain in that house until they leave the school. The houses are evenly balanced with a similar number of pupils in each house. The houses are part of the schools belief and expectation, giving pupils an identity and to follow a tradition within British Independent Schools.
Each day, points are awarded to pupils, by their teachers for good work, helping others or for excellent behaviour. At the end of the week the points for each pupil are added up and certificates are awarded at the assembly to individual pupils. There is also a cup for the house with the most house points. This continues throughout the year with a final number of house points given at the End of Year Show with prizes.
Each year during the sports day the pupils compete for their houses and points for the sports day trophy. The houses are a way for pupils to be part of a team, understand sportsmanship, fair play, competition and teamwork.